CNCA Membership
CNCA membership is open to all residents of the Chaffee communityCNCA is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization supported solely by volunteer efforts.
All officers and board members are volunteers, donating their time and effort to maintaining the association. Memberships and donations help us continue activities in support of this community, such as printing and mailing the quarterly newsletter, beautification projects in the neighborhood, promotion of the community yard sales, the annual picnic and operating costs.
CNCA membership is open to all residents of the Chaffee community.
The $20 annual dues (valid January-December) may be paid online, dropped off at the general membership meeting, or mailed. Payments made online will include a $1 fee to cover fees paid by CNCA for each credit card transaction. Please remember to include your name and address so we can record your membership. Join or renew your membership today!
Why Join CNCA?
- If you live in the Chaffee area, but you are not a current member of the Chaffee Neighborhood Civic Association (CNCA), you may be wondering just how it affects you and how your annual membership fee supports the community.
- New road initiatives affecting our area and construction of the Hays Farm community will have a major impact on the Chaffee community
- The main purpose of the Chaffee Neighborhood Civic Association (CNCA) is to stay abreast of developments in the city that affect residents and homeowners in our community.
- Our volunteer board members work to protect our community’s interests at the city level and provide pertinent news, feedback and updates to Chaffee residents in a timely manner. We also plan and host monthly meetings with informative guest speakers and organize family-friendly community events throughout the year.
- Meetings and events are all free and open to any Chaffee residents to attend. Your membership dues support these activities.
- Even if you are unable to attend the monthly meetings, your contribution helps support the community initiatives. CNCA is a recognized 501(c)(4) nonprofit civic association governed by an all-volunteer board of directors. We are solely dependent on membership dues to continue to provide services in the community.
Pay Online
Mailed Payments
Provide your personal information on our Contact Us page.
Mail your $20 annual dues to:
P.O. Box 4526
Huntsville, AL 35815